Astrological Author List


A common question for those studying astrology is "What astrological books should I read?" It is not necessary to read any of these books to learn how to do astrological chart interpretation, but if a person is interested in learning more about astrology, these books provide a place to start. The books on the page are arranged from simplest (basic astrology) at the top of the page to more complex and in depth astrology (advanced astrology) as you move down the page.

Most of the ideas in this astrological teaching approach are taken directly from Stephen Arroyo's books. Stephen Arroyo's books focus on understanding the chart as a whole:

Steven Forrest's books provide an easy to understand discussion of all the parts of astrological charts. Each book focuses on a different type of chart:

Richard Idemon's books explore astrology using psychology:

Howard Sasportas' books explore astrology using psychology:

Erin Sullivan has some useful books for exploring astrological issues:

Noel Tyl's books give a feel for the practice of astrology with a client:

These are also useful astrological references:

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